Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Old UFO Finished

In cleaning and putting away in my sewing area last week, I came across a set of quilt blocks I'd never done anything with so pulled them out to reassess what to do with them. These were 10" finished blocks - 20 of them. I made these when I had few fabrics at home to choose from and I didn't particularly like the finished blocks but it could at least be a charity quilt or a baby quilt. 

So the blocks were arranged in a pleasing manner and I chose to use fleece for the backing. Now on to quilting, first stabilizing by stitching in the ditch around the blocks. There were 4 different kinds of blocks so I chose one  and quilted all of those then moved on to a different kind of block, and so on.  With each block done I found myself not only enjoying the process but liking the quilt. This was a great quilt on which to try new things and  get in much machine quilting practice. Most of the quilting on this quilt was done with a walking foot and some of it I did free motion.  I took the photo with the quilt on the floor so it isn't a straight on view (I'm not tall enough for that). 
Here are some photos of the quilting on the blocks. 

I turned the backing to the front of the quilt, stitched it down and the quilt is finished. Size of quilt: 40" x 50". 

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