I've been making string blocks and decided to try doing lights and darks on each side of the center strip. I'm using strips that I got at quilt guild last month. The entire quilt top will be from these strings. This will be a baby quilt. I should be able to get it finished by our meeting next Wed night. Won't Sherry be surprised to see a baker's dozen (13) preemie quilts plus a baby quilt from her blocks, block pieces and strips?
In addition to that, I probably have enough of her strips to make several other baby quilts - don't know how many. We'll see.
1 comment:
I like the design idea! My 2015 goal is to make 48 HS blocks (one quilt) each month. In itself that's not hard, but I don't want to make just "traditional" HS. New ideas like yours are welcome.
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