Friday, July 10, 2015

25 Patch Quilt

Last night I completed the baby quilt I've been working on. I started with 25patch blocks and then put a border around each one. If I do another one of these, I'll try to remember to use medium colors. The pale yellow and white print with its colored specs don't show up as nicely. They look better on the quilt than they do in the photo but still colors a little darker would be better. This quilt has white fleece on the back. It'll make a nice, cuddly quilt for a child. I tried to use at least a couple of novelty prints in each block. One didn't get any novelties but other blocks have several so it's fun to look at. The blocks finish at 12" so this quilt finished at 36 x 48". 

1 comment:

Nann said...

The varicolored framing strips set off the mostly-blue squares very nicely. It is sure to be well-used by whomever receives it.